When I accepted an internship as the Farmers Market Coordinator through the City of Big Lake, I had no idea what the position truly entailed. The City decided that after six years of the Market rising and falling in success, it deserved someone who could put their entire focus on helping the Market reach its full potential. Throughout the Market season, I worked on gaining vendors, advertising the Market, planned themed events, scheduling weekly music and writing weekly newsletters, while managing multiple budgets. I was able to put to use my time management sills, and I learned through experience the importance of networking. Throughout my internship, I networked with many farmers, vendors, City workers, elected officials and leaders of local organization. These contacts made the growth of the Market possible, and also helped me to further my career by turning me on to accept a position as the Executive Director for the Big Lake Chamber of Commerce. This internship has truly change my life in ways that I did not think possible and I am greatly appreciative of this opportunity to learn and grow.
Statement from the City of Big Lake – Hanna Klimek, Community Development Director
It was a pleasure to have Ms. Corrie Scott join the Community Development Department at Big Lake City Hall this summer. Corrie had a challenging task at hand when she began her internship in May of 2016 as her responsibility was to coordinate the Big Lake Farmer’s Market and grow it. Corrie easily surpassed all expectations. Her drive and willingness to jump into a project provided her the momentum to more than double the amount of participating vendors as well as customers of the Market. Corrie has the ability to not only be a visionary but also bring her ideas to fruition. This internship has opened doors for Corrie, which is no surprise to anyone who has worked with her throughout the summer.