Seth Anderson recently completed his internship with the Itasca Economic Development Corporation. Here is what he had to say about the experience:
When I started at IEDC I didn’t have a great knowledge of the area and what business were here.
Since starting I have become aware of the businesses and the people that make up the community.
Working close to Teri in particular has been amazing she has helped me understand how things are done in the working environment. Throughout everything I’ve done Teri was there to answer my questions and guide me down the right path to get the job done. But everyone at IEDC is great teacher, and they all gave me many opportunities to grow. I have learned a lot of things here and just want to go over a few
Grant finding was the first thing I learned how to do. Looking through local and government funders, identifying any grants a company may qualify for. Calling the funders to get information and set up meetings. All of which helped me with grant finding and identification.
Accounting and spreadsheets was one of the more enjoyable things that I did, although there were any. I learned how to do financial records for companies, and how to read them to make sure all of the numbers add up. Doing projections for companies was also something I learned. Predicting how much a company might make in the future and putting those dollars forward so a bank could read that statement. Accounting knowledge of what really matters in a real world environment was a huge part of what I was taught here. That’s why the accounting classes that I am taking now are all the easier for me.
Connecting with local leaders and business men and women has been huge. Throughout the days working here I hear, see, and talk to people who want to make a difference in the community. Going to events through lEDC has put me in situations where I can talk to and get to know local leaders. Many of the men and women r meet are trying to accomplish one goal and that is improving the area for the better.
Website designing was also something I learned, I have a background in web design. but I learned how to use programs for websites over coding. I had the opportunity to look over the website and spot problems that there were and identify ho\v to fix them. It gave me an experience that I never had before and that was actually seeing someone else’s work and critiquing it.
Statement from Teri Heikkila, IEDC Office Manger
Seth Anderson, intern at Itasca Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), has been a valuable asset to the office. As a small, three person office, having someone to help out with small tasks, provide coverage for the door, greet visitors, etc is very helpful.
Seth is a quick and eager learner and has had an opportunity to develop financial spreadsheets (assistance to our business development consultants), update and maintain social media sites and IEDC website (assistance to the office manager), develop contact lists (assistance to IEDC president), along with general office work such as greeting visitors, making phone calls, copying and scanning documents, and working on various spreadsheets.
Seth is always willing to help and never complains when he gets a mundane project. He has learned business etiquette, undertaken several accounting/bookkeeping tasks that were new to him, met with business and government professionals, and integrated into the office climate.
Overall, Seth has done a very good job and the intern experience has been a positive one on both sides.
Thank you, Minnesota Economic Development Foundation, for your support of interns and the grant opportunities that you provide!