The Minnesota Economic Development Foundation (MNEDF) is excited to offer EDAM members discounted tuition ($250) to attend the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Real Estate Development & Reuse Course.
The 2 day course to be held in Minneapolis, MN on May 19-20, 2016. This course is one of IEDC’s core certification courses. The IEDC non-member rate for this course could be as high as $725. EDAM members can save up to $475 in tuition and also save on out-of-state travel costs.
Additional information about the IEDC course can be found at the following link: Real Estate Development & Reuse
A limited number of partial tuition scholarships are available. The only way you can get this EDAM discounted rate is by submitting the form that is available via the link below to IEDC. Online registration or any other form of registration will not receive the discounted rate.
EDAM Discounted Tuition Form for 2016 IEDC Real Estate Development & Reuse Course