Exploring Careers in Economic Development
2019 Economic Development Academy
Monday, August 5, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Great River Energy Headquarters, 12300 Elm Creek Blvd N, Maple Grove
People new to economic and community development positions often wonder about potential career paths, and the education and skills they will need to advance their careers and better serve their communities. The Minnesota Economic Development Foundation (MNEDF) is sponsoring a free one-day session Exploring Careers in Economic Development to respond to this need.
Throughout the day, nine economic development professionals will
share their perspectives on this rewarding profession. Their career paths
include roles in city and county government, as well as the utility, nonprofit
and development industries. Participants will have the opportunity to explore many aspects of the profession, specialized knowledge or skills that may be required and the educational and scholarship opportunities available to support them.
Participation is open to all and includes the current group of MNEDFsponsored community interns. Advance registration is required to make sure we can accommodate everyone. To register, contact Patrick
Connoy, MNEDF board member, [email protected], (612) 308-