The Minnesota Economic Development Foundation (MNEDF) has funds available, through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), to pay a portion of the costs of the DEED Shovel Ready Program application fee. This will further the state’s goal to support growth of additional certified Shovel Ready sites throughout Minnesota. Sites under DEED’s Shovel Ready program have had all the planning, zoning, surveys, title work, environmental studies, soils analysis and public infrastructure engineering completed prior to the site being certified.
MNEDF will award up to nine (9) disbursements, of $2,000 each, to cities that have been approved as qualifying Pre-Check Applicants (see the process below).
Sites with a minimum of 20 acres, suitable for new industrial and commercial development, will be considered for this program. Through December 29, 2017, the goal is to award four (4) grants to sites in the seven-county Twin Cities metro area, and five (5) in Greater Minnesota. If this proportional goal is not met by then, awards will be open to all qualifying Pre-Check Applicants. Overall, funds are available through June 30, 2018. Funds are not available for sites that have already completed the DEED, or other certification process (i.e. GRE or Xcel).
Process to Apply for Assistance
MNEDF is working closely with DEED to implement this program.
First, if a city/county has a site and is interested in pursuing Shovel Ready certification, they should first contact Kylle Jordan, Economic Development Program Specialist, DEED, [email protected], 651-259-7436. Ms. Jordan will provide all necessary materials and information required for the Shovel Ready program. If the applicant chooses to move forward with certification of their site, they will be required to submit a letter outlining how the $2,000 grant will allow them to pursue application. This “letter of need” should explain the need for funds, along with a Pre-Check form, Shovel Ready Application, and a check payable to DEED for the full Shovel Ready Site Certification application fee.
Next, the Pre-Check form is reviewed by DEED and then forwarded to MNEDF for review and final decision of award. Qualified applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, in the context of the proportional Twin Cities/Greater Minnesota goal identified above. MNEDF will provide a confirmation letter and payment to the awarded communities.
Mark Lofthus, chair of the MNEDF, [email protected], 651-463-6242, will administer the grant contract with the state and oversee disbursement to the awarded communities. However, initial inquiry and submission of documents should be to Ms. Jordan at DEED.